Thursday, 9 March 2017

Week 12

Saturday 26th February 2017:

We drove to Neusaß for a faschings street parade. It was a fun experience but I wasn't allowed to take photos as there was some sort of rule about it. But it was an amazing time the kids came home with bags full of candy. One of the floats people came over towards my side and he filled my pocket with candy and said "For you sweet thang", which I found very weird as he looked like he was in his twenties.

Monday 28th February 2017:

We went to another Faschings street in Gablingen which was only a five minute drive away from Hirblingen. It was cold and as soon as it was over it started to rain and we had parked very far away from where the actual parade happened but luckily I was wearing my rain jacket.
 After we arrived home, my host family's best friends came over for some afternoon tea, we had Krapfen and other baked goods, we drank tea or coffee while the kids drank Apfelschorle. (Homemade Apple juice).

Wednesday 1st March 2017:

I met up with Susanne again, we met in Gerstofen and we took the tram to Augsburg. It was surprise to where we where going. The surprise was going to the Zoo. Zoo Augsburg.

This photo above is a Rhino body, with a tiger painted on the front, it then merges into a zebra, each of the back legs is a leopard and the other back leg is an elephant and the tail is also an Elephant's tail.

I found King Julian.

Friday 3rd March 2017:

It was Julian's birthday. He turned 9 years old. Majority of the first day was full of cleaning and setting up for his friends to come for his friend party. His friends came and we had hamburgers and hot chips! We had then droven to a resturant/ bowling place. We only went for the bowling bit though. We all kept changing teams for whatever game we played. My highest number of pins I bowled was 8/9!

After bowling we dropped Julian's friends off at their houses and started to get the house cleaned and ready for the family party which we only had 1 and a half hours to get ready for. Thankfully we all helped out and everything was ready before people started to turn up. After dinner and desert, the kids and I were in the living room with the adults on the other side of the shut door while they talked and we watched cartoons. I played with 3 year old Fabian and 18 month old Elias.

Sunday 5th March 2017:

We went to church, I took Elisa to childrens church and there we sang songs and read bible stories before going and joining the real church for the last few minutes. After lunch Christina took Elisa and I to the Botanical Gardens in Augsburg to see the butterfly house and japanese gardens.


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