Monday, 30 January 2017

New Years

New Years:

31st December 2016:

We spent the day playing games and being lazy, until half past 5 where we walked to Christina's sisters house for a New Years Eve party. I tried raclette which is a a German type of cooking food for New Years or Christmas.

We talked and ate lots of food such as salads, raclette, pizza, bread, garlic bread. After eating the men, kids and I went for a walk outside with some sparklers and little fireworks. After arriving home we played Tabu which is a German game. You take a card and there's a word you have to describe but there are 2 or 3 words you are not allowed to use which is also written on the card.

Around 10:30 we ate desert which consisted of 3 different types of icecream, chocolate, cherry and vanilla. Wafers and cake.

11:30 we walked up a big hill where we set up our fireworks, another family also joined us on the hill as we spent the half an hour talking and counting down with one another.

Finally the church bell rung at the strike of 00:00am 1st January 2017. Everyone was hugging each other and saying Gutes Neus Jahr as the whole sky was being filled with fireworks and smoke. The adults drank champane together to welcome in the New Year.

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